Mule deer herd in front of Denver skyline. (DeerSky013)
Burrowing owl babies. (Owl046)
Moonset over Lake Ladora. (Scenic325)
Bison rolling in dirt. (140625-4190)
Sign at abondoned chemical production site on a military installation. (Scenic294)
Backlit mule deer buck in velvet at sunset. (Deer007)
Mule deer buck at Rocky Mountain Arsenal. (Deer013)
American white pelican wading. (WhitePelican026)
Mule deer fawn curious about a doe with a bird on her back. (Deer058)
Canada geese en route to swimming pool. (CanGeese024)
Black-tailed prairie dog eating blue mustard plants. (PrairieDog050)
Ring-necked pheasant singing. (GroundBird048)
Nature watchers. (People020)
Ring-necked pheasant in snow. (GroundBird051)
Western meadowlark perched on old US Army sign. (Birds195)
Sunrise on the prairie, eastern Colorado. (CanGeese001)
White-tailed deer sparring. (140824-6094)
Airplane taking off with bald eagles looking on. (BaldEagle056)
Burrowing owl yawning. (Owl045)
Eastern cottontail rabbit grooms next to a truck tire in Denver. Sunlight reflecting off the tire provided warmth on a cold winter day. (Urban050)
2012 aerial of South Plant's former site following clean-up, Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado. (120728-0449)
1990 aerial of South Plant, Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado. (Scenic388)
White pelicans at sunrise. (WhitePelican044)
Fisherman bringing in bass. (People050)
Backlit black-tailed jackrabbit. (Lagomorph043)
Cattle egret riding on bison's back. (140809-2049)
Burrowing owl caught in live trap by biologist. (Owl063)
Biologists freeing a deer. (Deer063)
Congresswoman Pat Schroeder holding bald eagle at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Denver, Colorado. (BaldEagle053)
Flock of white pelicans fishing in unison. (WhitePelican038)
American white pelicans in feeding pod. (WhitePelican034)
Canada goose family near interpretive sign, Rocky Mountain Arsenal. (CanGeese023)
Black-tailed prairie dog pals. (PrairieDog027)
Incinerator at Rocky Mountain Arsenal. (Scenics324)
Aerial of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. (Scenic381)
White-tailed deer running in meadow. (WhitetailDeer018)
Bobwhite quail perched on detour sign. (GroundBird073)
Backlit mule deer at sunset. (Deer003)
Mule deer herd on migration route. (140615-3737)
Pair of bison at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal in winter. (140403-0981)
Bison herd blocking cars. (130424-0290)
Black-tailed prairie dogs. (PrairieDog026)
Bison and skyscrapers. (130516-5805)
Ferruginous hawk protecting its kill as magpie looks on. (Raptor038)
Aerial of Rocky Mountain National Arsenal before bio-remediation. (RMA056)
Singing western meadowlark. (Birds188)
Singing lark bunting. (140614-3613)
Mule deer next to barn. (RMA041)
Ferruginous hawk confrontation. (Raptor022)
Mule deer doe and twin fawns, Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado. (Deer039)
Rocky Mountain National Arsenal. (RMA003)
White pelicans searching for food. (WhitePelican039)
American badger. (SmallMammal062)
Ferruginous hawk defending prairie dog kill from redtail hawk. (Raptor095)
Aerial view of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal with Denver and the Rockies in the background. (120728-0485)
Immature bald eagle in flight. (BaldEagle062)
Cottonwood trees. (Scenic121)
Black-tailed jackrabbit cleaning his foot. (Lagomorph069)
Rocky Mountain National Arsenal, Colorado. Before bio-remediation. (RMA055)