Least sandpiper wading. (110501-0758)
Least sandpiper walking on seaweed. (110512-0775)
Least sandpiper finding food. (110512-0762)
Upland sandpiper in grass. (WadingBirds125)
Upland sandpiper perched on post. (Birds144)
Upland sandpiper. (WadingBirds128)
Western sandpiper wading. (090429-5321)
Upland sandpiper eggs in nest. (WadingBirds126)
Least sandpipers wading. (110512-0795)
Least sandpipers wading. (110512-0790)
Upland sandpiper - shorebird of the prairie - drying wing. (080530-05388)
Western sandpiper wading. (090429-5312)
Least sandpiper wading. (110512-0784)
Spotted sandpiper walking on shore. (Birds091)
Western sandpiper wading. (090429-5304)
Least sandpiper drinking water. (110512-0797)
Upland sandpiper in grass. (WadingBirds131)
Least sandpiper on seaweed. (110512-0754)
Spotted sandpiper near shore. (Birds092)
Upland sandpiper in grass. (WadingBirds130)
Western sandpiper wading. (090429-5303)
Upland sandpiper in grass. (WadingBirds127)
Upland sandpiper resting on post. (WadingBirds215)