GULLS Ring-billed gulls at shoreline. (070301-9390)Coyotes and ring-billed gulls. (080203-02198)Herring gull flying. (Birds099)Ring-billed gull flying. (Birds7149)Gulls on iceberg at sunset. Tracy Arm, Southeast Alaska. (150803-7614)Gulls on ice along Endicot Arm, Southeast Alaska (170725-9936)Seagulls on shore at sunset. (Birds148)Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), american white pelican (Pelicanus erythrorhynchos) and gulls (Larus delawarensis). (070509-0837)Ring-billed gull flying. (061027-7149)Ring-billed gulls. (080131-02179)Herring gull portrait. (Birds100)Ring-billed gull flying. (Birds4644)Silhouette of gull on rocks at sunset, San Juan Islands, Washington. (111007-5208)Laughing gulls calling. (Birds018)Ring-billed gull flying over water at dusk. (Birds7162)Black-legged kittiwake at nest. (110523-1617)Laughing gull soaring. (Birds102)Flock of ring-billed gulls. (080131-02176)Mew gulls on cliff, Glacier Bay, Alaska. (110513-2692)Steller sea lions and gulls, Glacier Bay, Alaska. (110513-2669)Bonaparte's gulls on shore. (070509-0812)Black-legged kittiwake portrait. (Birds097)Herring gull flying. (Birds110)Glaucous gull landing on water, Glacier Bay, Alaska. (110511-2480)Herring gull with fishing lure caught in mouth. (111021-3881)Flock of california gulls. (Birds095)Mew gull with gizzard shad. (110427-0093)Ring-billed gull flying. (Birds094)California gull flying. (Birds101)Mew gulls on cliff. (110513-2689)Ring-billed gull. (Birds098)Steller sea lions and gulls, Glacier Bay, Alaska. (110513-2667)Ring-billed gull flying over water. (101210-1192)Backlit flock of laughing gulls flying. (Birds096) PHOTO LIBRARY MENUMENUBIRDSANIS / CUCKOOS / ROADRUNNERSBABY BIRDSFLICKERS / SAPSUCKERS / WOODPECKERSGAME BIRDSGROUNDBIRDSHUMMINGBIRDSNIGHTHAWKS / PAURAQUES / POORWILLSPERCHING BIRDS / SONGBIRDSRAPTORSSHOREBIRDSTROPICAL BIRDSWADING BIRDSWATERBIRDS BitternsCootsCormorantsGallinulesGrebesGullsHeronsIbisesPelicansSkimmersSpoonbillsTerns WATERFOWL