Pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) killed pine trees. (081006-1904)
Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) standing in front of Yield sign. (Fox081)
Snow on fall aspen trees along creek, San Luis Valley. (Dunes113)
Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Scenic5183)
Dinosaur tracks in Picketwire Canyonlands, Southeast, Colorado. (071004-2532)
Challenger Point. (Baca009)
Birdwatchers at Barr Lake State Park. (BarrLake004)
Southeast Colorado is subject to severe drought, however, deep winter snows plus heavy spring rains made 2007 an extraordinary year for wildflowers. Pinon Canyon Expansion Area, Indian paintbrush and gunnison mariposa lily. (SEColorado7091)
Colorado aletes. (Flowers068)
Dust storm. (Atmosphere016)
Red aspen after autumn snowstorm in San Luis Valley. (Dunes103)
Broad-tailed Hummingbird feeding at Rocky Mountain Bee Plant (Cleome serrulata) at Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado's San Luis Valley. (Dunes057)
Sunset at Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes062)