GREAT SAND DUNES NATIONAL PARK Great Sand Dunes National Park. (MedanoZapata015)A handful of prairie sunflowers grow in the dunefield. Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes016)Great horned owl. (Dunes105)The Ghost Forest, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado. (Scenic451)Aerial of Cotton Lake, dry wetland on Medano Ranch, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes092)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes161)Herd of mule deer bucks in prairie sunflowers at Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes101)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes168)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Scenic011)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Scenic096)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Baca012)Great blue heron. (Dunes047)American white pelican at San Luis Lake next to Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (WhitePelican012)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Scenic037)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes127)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes159)Autumn branches. (Dunes114)Prairie sunflower Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes147)People hiking in Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes032)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes165)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes135)Great Sand Dunes National Monument at sunset. (MedanoZapata014)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes145)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes014)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Baca021)Prairie sunflowers growing on sand dune at Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes081)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes164)Bison herd on frosty morning, Medano Ranch, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes106)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes131)Backlit elk herd on Medano Ranch, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes093)Dunes and sunflowers in Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes020)Artesian Big Spring Creek flowing through Great Sand Dunes National Park on the Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley. (MedanoZapata008)Tiger beetle, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes076)Porcupine tracks at Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes085)Great blue heron in wetlands near Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (MedanoZapata004)Mule Deer tracks filled with narrow-leaf cottonwood leaves in autumn. Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes042)Prairie sunflowers growing at Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes160)Autumn color and snow-capped peaks complete the picture of spectacular Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Baca016)Greater sandhill crane flying. (Dunes050)Sunset and prairie sunflowers, Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes007)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes128)Great Sand Dunes National Monument aerial. (Dunes151)Elk herd on Medano Ranch, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (MedanoZapata017)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (MedanoZapata006)Checker mallow wildflower, San Luis Valley, Colorado, Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes061)Rainbow over Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes107)Sand treader cricket, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes078)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes117)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes152)Dust storm approaching Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes017)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Baca015)Reflection of full moon over San Luis Lake, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes037)Great horned owls in nest. (Dunes044)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes111)Broad-tailed Hummingbird feeding at rocky mountain bee plant at Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado's San Luis Valley. (Dunes057)Great horned owl. (Dunes075)Sunrise over Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes012)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Scenic5180)Sunset at Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes062)Deadman creek artesian water, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Medano Ranch, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes171)Prairie sunflowers, Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes146)Aerial of Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes108)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes126)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes035)Interdunal wetlands adjacent to coppice dunes, Medano Ranch, Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes046)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Baca014)Aerial view of Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes036)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Baca013)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Baca001)Mule deer in prairie sunflowers, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes060)Bison bull in front of sand dunes near Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado. (Dunes158)The Great Sand Dunes tiger beetle is endemic to the Valley. (AsstCritters044)Coyote tracks and prairie sunflower at Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes080)Prairie sunflowers in Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes073)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes129)Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Scenic050)Prairie sunflowers at Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Dunes002)"Baskets" on legs of sand treader camel cricket, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes079)Prairie sunflowers and muhly grass, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes063)Rainstorm at sunset, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes058)Guardians - American bison bulls in front of dunes, Great Sand Dunes National Park, Medano Ranch, Colorado. (Bison039)Greater sandhill cranes leave night roost as sun rises through fog. Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge, San Luis Valley, Colorado. (Dunes011)Blowing sand, Great Sand Dunes National Park, San Luis Valley. (Dunes030)Two bison bulls set off the landscape adjacent to Great Sand Dunes National Park. (Bison008)Great Sand Dunes National Park at sunset. (Dunes033)Great Sand Dunes National Monument. (Dunes125) PHOTO LIBRARY MENUMENUPLACESUNITED STATESARIZONAALASKACALIFORNIACOLORADO Cherry Creek State ParkColorful ColoradoDinosaur National MonumentGreat Sand Dunes National ParkPawnee National GrasslandsRoan PlateauRocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife RefugeRocky Mountain National ParkSan Luis ValleySoutheast Colorado DAKOTASFLORIDAMINNESOTAMONTANAOKLAHOMAOREGONTEXASWASHINGTONWYOMING