A limited edition portfolio of photographs by Wendy and Bob highlights their love of the American West. Cowboys and horses come alive in this series of hand signed and numbered archival photographs. They depict an earlier and simpler time in our history. Horses galloping in snow, a still life of cowboy symbols, silhouettes of dusty horses and cowboys, roundups and rainbows are a few of the subjects included in “A Gathering of Horses”.
Standard size prints range between $100 and $1000. Please contact us for ordering details, we don’t have these prints in our online catalog yet. Custom sizes are available, as well.

The silence of snowflakes falling was replaced by muffled hooves stamping through deep powder and the horses appeared over the hill. Spreading out so each could pick its way over uneven ground, they ran toward us, then around us, continuing their charge to the end of the snowy meadow.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #281

A roan-colored horse outruns two cowboys through a dusty canyon. This image is a perfect example of a picture that is worth 1000 words. Every element of “Roan Plateau” is perfect. Lighting, composition, peak of action, are exactly right – – a challenging achievement for photographers.
This photograph received the People’s Choice Award from the Outdoor Writers’ Association of America.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #279

The American West conjures thoughts of cowboys and horses, and galloping at sunset along a dusty trail says it all. These three cowboys have been herding horses all afternoon and at the end of the day are ready to do a bit of running on their own. Subtle silhouettes outline hats, boots, ropes and horses against the warm evening light.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #250

A herd of horses running free on the shortgrass prairie barrel ahead at a full gallop. Ears up and coats glistening, their energy can’t be contained on this early morning run. Sunrise light warms the scene invitingly.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #361

The dark and light patches of a paint horse invite a study of textures and colors in this intimate portrait of a mare. Strands of coarse mane hair contrast with its softer, shorter coat. The contrasting black and white reminds us of the balanced yin and yang of Zen.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #314

Hat, boots, and bridle against a weathered red barn are clear evidence that a cowboy is nearby. Symbols of the old West immediately reflect a feeling of nostalgia, even among people who have not experienced cowboy life first-hand.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #216

Usually, powder snow in Colorado is associated with exceptional skiing, but horses and cowboys can relish it, as well. This horse runs through deep powder like a dolphin leaping through a boat’s wake and his owner loves the ride, too.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #283

As the small herd ambles toward a patch of light, sunrays reflect particles of dust that have been kicked up by their hooves. This image reminded us of the early west, conjuring a scene from the 1800’s, motivating us to print the photograph in sepia tones.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #278

Following the trail back to the ranch, a cowboy and his horse cross through a dusty patch. Dust clouds float into the still air, mixing with rays of late afternoon sun, silhouetting the pair on their way home.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #255

Ranch work doesn’t stop in winter. Bringing the horses in is just another day’s work for the seasoned cowboy. The horses are eager to plow through chest-deep snow to get back to a bucket of oats and the shelter of the barn.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #275

An early morning horse drive depicts the romance of the American West. The thundering hooves of a frisky herd are translated into an image of dust and sun. Skilled cowboys maneuver the horses around sagebrush and over hills on their own agile mounts.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #280

Grulla is the Spanish word for ‘grey crane’ and describes a most unusual coloring in quarter horses. It is even more rare in paint horses where the dusky grulla color contrasts strikingly with white. The captivating and gentle gaze of the mare reflects the close bond between her and her foal.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #320

A quick-moving afternoon storm settled the dust around a small herd as the cowboy guided his horse to the top of a nearby ridge. As the rainbow formed, he continued through the sagebrush, looking every bit the pot of gold at the end of it.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #224

Wild horses roam the sagebrush and prairie of the American West. This wild herd stands below a growing thunderstorm, waiting for the rain and wind to pass by. Wild horses conquer adverse conditions to survive and thrive on the range and to see horses in the wild gives an unexpected glimpse into the history of the West.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #316

Wild horses gallop across the shortgrass prairie of Wyoming’s Red Desert with Black Butte in the distance. As recently as 2011, as many as 1200 adult horses roamed the 753,000 wild horse herd management area of the Red Desert. Since their introduction in the 1500s by Spanish explorers, the horses have interbred with domestic horses that escaped or were let loose over the centuries.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #355

Backlit sun rays hang like a curtain over a horseback cowboy as he readies a lariat. The peaceful morning could be today or 100 years ago. Cowboys never age.
Hand signed & numbered limited edition photograph – catalog #273