Places –
Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)
264 South 23rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Tel: 215-545-0613
Fax: 215-735-9313
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Laura Hortz Stanton, Director of Preservation Services
Paper, Books, Parchment, Photographs, Digital Imaging/Photoduplication,
Consultations, Surveys, Disaster Assistance, Education and Training, Fellowships and internships
Sign up for newsletter for the latest news and updates
Book: Photographs, Museums, Collections
Regional museum associations
Photography museums in the US
USFish&WildlifeService – image/project donations/submission page.
My Modern Met
SUBMIT CONTENT TO MY MODERN MET: Are you an artist, designer or photographer who’d like to have your work featured on My Modern Met? Did you see something interesting or inspiring that you think others might enjoy? Do you want to share it with the rest of the world? Great! Here’s how:
- Write a short email with basic information on you and your project. Tell us why you took it on and what you hope others get out of it. If there’s a meaningful story behind it, please share it with us.
2. Include a link to the work (your website, Behance, Flickr page, etc).
3. Attach two or three jpegs at 750 pixel width. If it’s a series and we’re interested, we’ll ask for more.
4. Email us at [email protected].
If it’s a right fit with My Modern Met, we’ll be in touch with you within 48 hours. Thanks!
These resources provided by the Society of American Archivists provide more information on donating historic materials.
A Guide to Deeds of Gift
A Guide to Donating Your Personal or Family Papers to a Repository
A Guide to Donating Your Organizational Records to a Repository
The History of Photography Archive (only on flickr)
The History of Photography Archive is a private collection, owned by archivist Patrick Montgomery, of original 19th and 20th century photographs, books and related artifacts that traces the technical and artistic development of photography and photo-mechanical printing from their origins in England and France in the early 19th century up through worldwide use in the mid-20th century. Every item on this site is held in our collection. We have tried to identify important milestones in this fascinating history and then acquire original images, literature and equipment which illustrate these events. This is not a fine art collection – there are few masterpieces here of the kind sought by fine art photography collectors – but rather an archive designed to represent important developments and the innovators who made them.
History of Photog Archive Group Description
It’s all about history: people, places, documents.
Pics must have a clear connection to a specific historical topic. There’s more to this pool than a collection of nameless old houses and stuff.
Adding substantial information – eg. a specific Wikipedia link or a meaningful description to your pictures is an absolute must. See as an example.
Please make sure you have the copyright for pictures you’re uploading. We want to see YOUR photos. While pics from family archives are OK, please no pictures taken from books, newspapers or other third-party sources.
We come from all over the world – but English is the language most of us understand. Therefore, we ask you to post no pics without an English description.
Family/private pictures? Very welcome – as long as they have a serious connection to historic topics. This is a very good example . I’d love to see more of these.
Please make sure you can verify the origin and the integrity of pictures you’re adding. No manipulated pictures.
Group Rules
It’s all about history: people, places, documents.
Pics must have a clear connection to a specific historical topic. There’s more to this pool than a collection of nameless old houses and stuff.
Adding substantial information – eg. a specific Wikipedia link or a meaningful description to your pictures is a must. No exceptions.
Please make sure you have the copyright for pictures you’re uploading. We want to see YOUR photos. While pics from family archives are OK, please no pictures taken from books, newspapers or other third-party sources.
We come from all over the world – but English is the language most of us understand. Therefore, we ask you to post no pics without an English description.
Please make sure you can verify the origin and the integrity of pictures you’re adding. No manipulated pictures.
Absolutely no commercial offerings (Ebay etc) in this group.
Pics not in compliance with these simple rules will be deleted without further notice. Please keep in mind – this is not meant to offend anybody.
Additional Info
This group will count toward the photo’s limit (60 for Pro members, 30 for free members)
Members can post 5 things to the pool each day.
Accepted content types: Photos, Images Screenshots
Accepted safety levels: Safe